25 Years Of Experience In Agriculture Farming

The main aim of the National Agriculture Development Co-operative Ltd. is be to change the socio-economic status of the farming community through the handling of gainful economic activities to be carried out by the principles of the co-operative and social justice and for this co-operative shall do gainful profitable activities on scientific lines. In general, the aim of the National Agriculture Development Co-operative Ltd. is summarized here as under:- i. To promote innovative practices in agriculture and allied sciences. ii. To enhance agricultural productivity and profitability through proven technological interventions. iii. To educate and aware the farming community regarding the improved technology of agriculture practices keeping in view the agro-climatic conditions. iv. To provide guidelines to farmers for establishing the processing and packaging plants of high-value field crops, oilseeds, selected legumes, amaranth, buckwheat, specialty millet; baby, sweet, and popcorn. v. To provide basic agriculture and horticulture training. vi. To utilize the raw material produced from the agriculture for development of a small-scale cottage industry. vii. To organize plant and animal clinical camps. viii. To organize different training courses in agriculture and allied sectors. ix. To spread Co-operative Education among the farming community. x. To develop a strong linkage with several State Developmental Departments like; the Department of Agriculture, Department of Horticulture, Department of Fisheries, Sericulture Development Department, Department of Floriculture, Department of Social Forestry, and Department of Animal /Sheep Husbandry
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